Plastic nose

Specialists are ready to perform nose operations for various defects. They will be able not only to correct the shape of the nose, but also to correct the internal elements. Rhinoplasty can be done inexpensively. The price for rhinoplasty of the nose is formed individually, taking into account the amount of work, the complexity of the operation.

plastic nose before and after

How much does a nose job cost?

Those wishing to find out what prices are for rhinoplasty in, can always contact the specialists by phone or online. They will be able to tell the approximate cost of a particular service. The final price will be announced to you after consultation.

However, it must be said that the cost of rhinoplasty, in any case, justifies itself. After all, due to flaws in appearance, psychological problems and numerous complexes often arise. Nose plastic surgery will allow you to forget about such defects as an irregular nose shape, an ugly "hump", etc.

What is the cost and total cost of rhinoplasty or any other nose surgery?

The cost of the operation is, first of all, the cost of the work of a plastic surgeon, anesthesiologist, as well as consumable instruments and dressings and hospitalization.

Correction of the tip of the nose. Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose

Each person has an individual structure of different parts of the body. The tip of the nose is also different. If nature has not taken care of its beauty, experts can do it. Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose can be performed both operatively and non-operatively, depending on the result the patient expects.

Surgical intervention is required when it is necessary to correct a significant defect (acquired, for example, due to trauma or congenital). In some cases, it is enough to remove excess tissue in order to give the necessary shape, in others - to fill in the depressions and concave areas. Only a qualified doctor should determine what the correction of the tip of the nose will be. He will also tell you if you need general anesthesia or if you can get by with local anesthesia.

Removing a hump on the nose

If you remove the hump, you can change the rest of the face. This applies to cases when the patient has a clear disharmony in the size of the nose and other areas. Removing the hump on the nose will highlight the beautiful strip and cheekbones, the height of the forehead and the shape of the eyebrows.

As a rule, nose hump surgery is prescribed for aesthetic reasons, but there may be medical indications. It is worth thinking about going to a plastic surgeon for those people who have a hump after unsuccessful rhinoplasty, as a result of sports injuries. Correcting the hump is not recommended for those people who have not yet reached 18-20 years.

Septum Correction Surgery

Curvature of the nasal septum is not only an aesthetic defect. There may be problems with breathing, the correct functioning of organs. The reduced nasal passage impedes air circulation, and this leads to drying out of the mucous membrane. The indication for surgery is most often clinical manifestations.

Septum surgery is required for:

  • Physiological reasons (when curvature occurs as you grow older). Cartilage tissue grows faster than bone tissue, which can cause arching.
  • Compensatory reasons. The septum can be displaced due to polyps, hypertrophied turbinates.
  • Injuries to the nose. These can be both nose fractures and bruises.

Septum correction surgery can be performed at virtually any age.

Rhinoplasty. Photo. Before and after

Photos taken before and after surgery allow you to assess how effective the plastic surgery on the nose is. This is how you can assess the surgeon's qualifications, experience and capabilities. The price paid for a nose job must be fully justified. The pictures show what the future changes might be. This will avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings between the patient and the surgeon.

Reducing rhinoplasty

Reducing rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery that is prescribed for patients with an increased volume of bone and cartilage tissue in the nasal region. As a result of the surgeon's manipulations, it is possible to restore the aesthetically pleasing appearance of the nose and eliminate the defects associated with the problem.

Before the operation, a comprehensive study of the profile of the nasal lumen takes place, which allows you to accurately determine all the nuances of the operation, with the most accurate forecast of the degree of nose reduction. The most important aspect of reducing rhinoplasty is the ability to avoid postoperative scarring. This effect is achieved by making cuts in special folds. The overall aesthetics of the patient's face will remain intact.

Reducing septorhinoplasty

Reducing septorhinoplasty is an operation that allows you to correct the parameters of the nose, making it symmetrical, as well as to expand the size of the nasal passages. Reducing septorhinoplasty is indicated for patients who have a deviated nasal septum followed by respiratory failure.

As a result of the operation, a person gets rid of the curvature of the nasal cartilage. It should be noted that in the course of the procedure, organ-saving measures are used. After shaping the cartilage and bone tissue, the surgeon will correct the nasal concha. This range of procedures is performed without blood loss. In the final stage of septorhinoplasty, the final correction of the nose takes place, giving it a natural shape. Reducing septorhinoplasty is an incredibly painstaking operation available in rhinoplasty format.

Reducing and increasing septorhinoplasty

Decreasing and enlarging septorhinoplasty is a plastic surgery that combines the correction of the nasal septum and the correction of the shape of the nose. This procedure is especially in demand in cases where the curvature of the septum is a consequence of trauma.

Correction of the tip of the nose

A nose tip correction is an aesthetic surgery aimed at improving the shape of the tip of the nose. The procedure is a technically difficult type of rhinoplasty, and can be performed using different techniques depending on the existing shortcomings.